Friday, November 21, 2008

Fitness Friday...

Okay it is Fitness Friday again. I posted yesterday for the first time since last Friday! I really, really do have a desire to change. I really do have a desire to lose weight, but this week I have used up every single excuse I could possible come up with to not make good choices. Aunt Flo was visiting, I hurt my toe, I am having a bad week, I feel stressed, I feel tired, I dont feel good, I deserve to give myself a break, I have done so good I will just have one piece! All these excuses came into play this week. I made a few good choices but honestly most were not. So that is all I am going to say. I will not wallow in it, I will not berate myself, I will just start again tommorow. I will have a refreshed vision of what I want to accomplish and I will go about accomplishing it!

Until next Friday...


Detroit said...

To another week dear sister!

Luanne said...

Aunt Flo was with me last week too! I never do well during that visit. It is such a challenge. Focus on the good choices you did make. Have a great week, stay focused and Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

huh. did I jump out of my body and into yours? You described my week and mentality to a T.

JulieMom said...

Me too! I skipped out on the gym all week because I had a head cold as well. So, I am back on the wagon and worked out this morning.

But I totally hear you!

Brenda said...

Honestly, I had a blonde moment--I was like "who was visiting?" So sad.
Have a good thanksgiving at the restaurant! :)