Here is one...
Here is a worse one...
and here is the one that I think started the controversy...
These are BAD! Is really is basically p*rno. I wouldn't want Dave or Matt seeing these! I personally think that Jack N the Box has pushed the envelope a few times and the whole marry your bacon sandwich thing freaks me out but these commercials are awful! I am generally NOT a boycotter--- but I don't think I will choose to support this company right now. I don't plan to CALL it a boycott I just don't plan on making plans on going --which we had since these restaurants are popping up all over town!
Anyway.. just passing it along! and BTW, I do not agree wholeheartedly with the AFA on a number of issues-- I am just passing on information!

OK wow. I only watched one.
So glad we don't have TV.
I am not even going to click on the links because I got a message from One Million Moms via facebook and I watched one of the commercials already. I seriously think it is p*rn. The one I watched the lady spread her legs apart very suggestively. Disgusting. So glad we no longer have Dish and our kids no longer see commmercials. You should link up with One Million Moms on facebook. They update "issues" and do a lot of boycotting.
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