Kate of course had choir and we had history. Matt and Emily got basics done and I worked on some house stuff and computer necessities.
We actually got to stay home all day today-- which feels like the first time for a while! We started school and did English-- two lessons, Math, vocabulary, Physics and Bible. We also read Little Woman and a little more from our Mary Cassatt biography. The kids worked on their presidents packet for John Adams. I got review cards made up for our next physics unit and our NEW BIBLE is finally here so we are starting it just as soon as I get it back from Office Depot where they are binding those suckers! The kids also did chores, FOLDED clothes for an extra chore so we could get caught up and it was a VERY good evening!
We had an AD Players play this morning, The Velveteen Rabbit....
so wonderful!
It is one of my favorite stories and they just portrayed it amazingly! We enjoyed ourselves a lot. We ended up eating lunch out with friends as a treat and picked up our BINDED up Bible so we can start it on Thursday!
We got home, had a popcorn snack and watched our Mary Cassatt -Netflix movie that had arrived!
The kids did math, vocabulary, Bible devotion, Dave Ramsey work and Literature reading. We left out for church and choir.
BTW.... Dave and I spent a little while talking with our Pastor about the "lying" issue and we have a plan and we feel good about it, so that is that. I covet your prayers though!
I slept in as Thursday is my GET to sleep in day! We got up and the kids did chores, started on a little school and then I went upstairs to start bible with them.. we are using Classical Academic Press New Testament Covenant---
It seems very involved and I am excited about digging into the time period! We went through the introduction and a history of "up to this point- overview"....
the kids did math, vocabulary, Bible devotions and read and by that time we were pretty much almost late to leave for their Dave Ramsey class!
We also had a birthday/ play gym time for our home school group so Emily got to play while the Matt and Kate had their class.
After the home school class and fellowship we went to the library.
We left the library came home and worked on school a little bit more and left for Amy's house for dinner with Brian and Allison-- all us siblings under the same roof!
the kids did math, Kate hit a snag with un-equivalent fractions, but we got through it! Matt is flying through math right now and Emily is moving a long with no problems!
Spelling, review memorization... we did Bible again--- LOVING it! The kids worked on an art assignment for wrapping up our study of Mary Cassatt.
we also did English and Matt and Kate worked on their Rifles for Watie project... and of course they READ!
and with that our school week was OVER- and mama needed it to be over!

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