So Mama decided we would just go ahead and nip this in the bud here and now. I walked out of the other office and hooked arms with Kate and let the "girl" know that we didn't believe in youth group and Kate would be attending service with us-- but occasionally on a Monday for a special girl time or an occasional Friday night activity we would be glad to come and participate--all said really upbeat (think almost sugary!)
"GIRL" stood aghast! MOUTH open wide. NOT BELIEVE IN YOUTH??? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!!!!
{{{me smiling inside}}}
So a few more thoughts between me and the "girl" and I made sure she knew it was a family decision and THOUGHT I had gotten across that we were passionate about it and then the "girl" asked...
{{{insert maniacal laughter}}}
Um no "little girl" you cannot. ;0)
SOOOO later on I am relating the conversation to Dave and I will tell you that I felt myself getting even more worked up inside. I mean here I am with my daughter explaining to the "girl" who wants ME to put my daughter under the authority of --- QUESTIONING ME AND DAVE'S authority in front of Kaitlin---
the nerve of the "girl"
REASON number one why we don't do youth group little "girl" you have just PROVED my point and made me even MORE steadfast in my stand against youth groups!
If she had come to me privately and asked out of curiosity what our reasoning was or even asked our reasoning in front of Kaitlin that is one thing...
BUT she said to Kaitlin:
"girl" : "Hey Kaitlin I am sorry you have such stupid, unfair parents that are totally holding you back from having fun and getting to be with cool awesome people such as myself-- I am trying to get you out from under their GRIP!"
Didn't you hear her say that? Well, okay she didn't say it but in my opinion her actions did...

AMEN! If the youth spent more time with the adults at church, they would be better future adults themselves! I totally agree....
We do have our kids in Wednesday night services (all under 5th grade), but my oldest is complaining lately about it and does not want to attend any longer. Her reasons are valid and she still enjoys her Sunday School class. I am proud of her that she is able to discern that some people are not good for her to be around. My husband on the other hand wants her to be around other kids her age. I agree with both sides and it is hard to know what to do in the situation. I am going to start attending some of her Wed night sessions as a helper to see what is going on in there. I think it is time for a change.... Ughhhh... I hate that it has to be that way, but it just has to be sometimes. The older my kids are getting the more I am seeing the danger in Youth Groups, etc.. I wish we had a Family Integrated Church (and that my husband would go to it).
Well, I wish I could have heard that conversation!!
I think you handled it well. But grr. What a frustrating thing! Can you email her the link to Divided?
Seriously, I would. She doesn't have to agree with you, but at least she should be explained that there is reasoning here. And it's good reasoning!
All you really need to say is, "Show me where youth groups are in the Bible, and she can go."
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