We are in this up to our neck now! We are moving entire rooms around, changing things in our room, cleaning out closets, toys, books etc! I am in the middle of lots of these things so I cant strike through them yet but they are happening!
This is my current TO DO:
set up kates new bed
set up Emilys bed
re set up Matts bed
move shelf from living room
move TV, dvd, Wii, set up on school room shelf
move furniture in girls room
change out closets in girls room
go through kids clothing:
shirts-limit number to 10
pants- limit number to 10 (jeans, shorts, carpi's etc.)
length of dresses-
Personal clothes item- fit and worness
store seasonal things that I need to keep
send clothes to people who can use them
donate old blankets, sheets torn towels to SPCA
go through bags
backpacks- looking for tears
cull through books that can be packed for other years
go through mulitple copies of books that I dont need
get rid of books that are for younger kids
go through curriculum that I KNOW we will not use
go through fiction books
go through Christian living, helps, home schooling books
buy new book case for school room
rearrange larger books on big shelf and put all smaller books on the new shelf
organize by subjects: History, science, fiction, current read alouds for the year, extra reading
throw away any that are broken
find ways to organize what we kept
Get rid of unused, unwanted, baby, or repeat items
Personal items:
go through and organize, cull and find a place for
Get rid of unneeded
fix anything in need of fixing
arrange to use more functionally
store items of value if necessary
go through seasonal decor- anything I am not using this fall season that I have I should get rid of...
go through general house decor and get rid of anything that is not longer "ME",
get rid of stored decor that I no longer want
decide on paint colors and work toward being able to paint
Christmas--- I will get this out mid Nov OR after our Little Rock trip and go through it doing the same thing- If I am not using it I should get rid of it.
Make sure that each seasonal storage bin is actually what it is labeled as. I know I am missing a fall box right now!
get rid of multiple supplies that are unneeded, i.e. staplers, hole punches (do we need 3 or 4?)
organize current supplies
update stock (i.e. need mailers, stamps, staples, rubber bands etc)
update cleaning supplies
get a holder for underneath kitchen counter
get a holder for underneath bathroom counter
buy clear container to hold additional cleaning supplies
scan in what I want
get negatives in one place
get a back up of current photos
develop the film (yes actual film, it still exists~)
throw away unwanted duplicates
scan scrap book pages and determine what I am keeping
organize current photo files and archive if needed
order pics that I have been wanting to order
make snap fish book of Chicago trip
Send pics to Sarah and Kristal
mail old pictures to people who might enjoy them
change out a few pics of family in the frames in the living room OR add frames
determine if they are scratched beyond being usable
alphabetize them
separate school, computer games, CDs from movies
return any that I know are not mine
get rid of any we no longer watch because of age or content
put all CDs on computer-
Music on Computer-
organize better
make song list for IPOD
get rid of music for content if any
change movies out on the IPODS
update syncs between IPODS and both computers
cull through throw away, get rid of , give away, pack if needed
fix things that have been broken that I keep meaning to "get to"
send clothes to menders
get pants altered
if keeping find a home for it!
clean out suburban
take shots, post on Craig's list etc.
get title for Truck taken care of
replenish cleaning supplies for truck
get carpet cleaned in both vehicles
update insurance when necessary
Bills and banking:
find better way to organize paper that I need to keep for a while
set up automatic bill pay for bills we can
change automatic savings on bank account
start account for kids
cull through stored "papers" and shred what is not needed anymore
finish "pre" budget through the end of the year.
order address stickers
go through wires, plugs, chargers and get rid of unneeded
organized kids electronics- find common place to charge
get games in one spot
buy recharging station for Wii
buy box for Misc Wii items
cull through games- sell if do not use
buy electronics cleaner and clean keyboards, screens, dust inside
get new printer ink
find new alarm clock that fits needs better- LOUD!

Whoo-hoo! I love cleaning and organizing!
OK. You are going to need to purge the typos from this post. twitch twitch
Should I be watching Hoarders? Or did I start this in you?
LOL that was bad, I dont even know if I got them all, but hey its late! NO this is not from you or Hoaders, a lot was on the list to do already. I will admit though watching Hoarders makes me want to throw away everything!!!!!
Holy Hoarders Batman!!! Sounds like you have your work cut out for you! I'll be praying for your sanity!
I am very proud of you and I am amzed at the progress i saw today. Now you can come and do my house! BTW, since I did not give you the present I wanted to for your birthday then I am going to give you my laminator. I hope this is a good gift. I can use Robins if I ever need one and it is not very often. But the Wii board is mine! I love you, love ME
Yeah anon who is NOT anon she just wont sign in to google! :)
YEah on that laminator, that is an awesome gift!!!!!
Whoo hoo!
Hey I just got back from taking the back of the truck full of stuff to the thrift shop! YEAH
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