Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Extreme Couponing or Extreme field trips...

If you have ever watched the show Extreme Couponers you KNOW the moment they get up to the register and the FEAR and PANIC that sets in because...

  • will everything scan.
  • did they count right.
  • are things in the right order.
  • are their coupons going to SCAN!
  • are they going to hassle them.
You know they didnt' bring any money with them so if the total is over $7.73 they are going to be putting back A LOT of merchandise.....

SOOOO I am feeling that FEAR and Panic set in with the field trip I have set up tomorrow!

I have done the aquarium field trip at least 4 times--maybe even more than that.. so IT doesn't bother me but my numbers DO. Plus I am doing it with a group that I haven't done it with! Double Panic.

When I go to the booth and check us in I will pay 653.00 for classes and admission AND another 385.00 dollars at meal time. On my own wee little debit card-- wish I had MILES! :0)

No really. all the monies are accounted for minus an annoying 12.67 cents right now! BUT for a total of 88 people on a field trip... 84 class participants and 56 kids meals I will EAT the 12.67 cents!

I was telling a friend that for a aquarium field trips I didn't KNOW that I could PLUNK down my Laundry's Reward Card when I paid for the food.


Plunking that baby down.. and 4-6 weeks later Dave and I can go on a date.


No really. Just a pleasant, nice bonus.

Here we come Salt Grass-- your spinach salad, potato soup and delectable chicken beckon me.....

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