Sunday, January 8, 2012

Weekly Wrap Up: day 73-78

So I am looking back and my last weekly wrap up with a day number was October 28. I don't have my days of school marked since then.. so I gotta round it out and just "guess". I pretty much can say we did zero "school" work in December although we did plenty of learning so I give us 7 days of school-- trust me we were learning stuff! Going back to November we did do a fair amount of school but not a lot of full days, loads of half days... so I am going to go with 10 days. How does that sound to y'all? Fair enough. NOW we do lots and lots of learning even when we are not schoolin-- trust me!

So this weekly wrap up will be day 73-78. This puts us finishing up our 180 days in the year 2015. :0) No, really... we should finish the second week of June and that is with ample breaks. As long as we finish this year by the end of June I am a happy camper. We will take most of July off and start August 1 for the new school year. So good with that!

Okay lets get to what we ACTUALLY did on day 73-78..

Well we unpacked loads of these...

which is math, geometry, measuring, logistics, PE, Reading and character training.

Then we watched lots of this...

which is geography, drama, character training and world view.

After which we did some real learnin' about the Civil War during history on Monday. We are at the battle of Shiloh presently. Grant is almost handed his walkin papers for the number of losses and although the confederate army retreated they are still sitting on cloud 9.

We played this game that I picked up at Fort Pickens in Pensacola. It is awesome. Civil War memory game but loads of ways to play AND secret missions to accomplish for whichever side of the war you were on!

We started our Little Women Unit Study-- I loved this book growing up, however I will say that as an adult with a little bit different worldview now I see how very liberal it is.  There is LOADS of good.. great moral to a lot of it and a heartwarming story of family... but still the suffrage movement and feminist movement is carefully woven throughout the pages.  One of the questions in my unit study actually talks about the distribution of wealth during the late 1800's vs. what it is today and the huge gap between the wealthy and the poor.  (um.. hello middle class-- not because of distribution of wealth but because of opportunity given from the LAND OF THE FREE)  okay soap box over.

We are doing character studies of each girl: listing her traits, character, physical description, likes etc.

We read Pilgrims Progress two years ago and because it is talked about a lot in Little Women I thought it would be good to tie in with "resolutions" for the year.  So next week I am going to have the kids each put their "sin problem" in their bag and carried them around for a while, until they drop off.  We will find verses to help combate whatever "sin problem" the kids pick for themselves.  So update on that--

Kate had region practice on Saturday for FOUR hours.  It was really the first time in her life that she has been surrounded by public school kids.  She knew ONE girl- the other girl who was in her choir.  She was probably one of a VERY SMALL handful off non public school kids there.  The girl who she was next too and talked to said she didnt even know home school kids could be in choir-- I told Kaitlin she is breaking down the myth!  Dave stayed the whole time and just sat in the back-- pretty much the only parent out of HUNDREDS of students.  Next Saturday at the actually regions I seriously doubt we can stay... but we are just moving on.  Kate will have her phone.  I will spend my week in prayer, say a prayer for me too!

this is just the girls.

this is just all the girls singing their part.

I am going to start doing my "weekly wrap up" on Sundays and I am going to call it Sunday Sum up... I always feel rushed to do it on Friday because I am still DOING Friday- and since I rarely link it up anymore I thought I would change it up.. feel free to join me if ya want to!

1 comment:

Sarah Haney, M.A. said...

Awesome for Katie! She's growing up sooo fast!