If you have not heard of Made to Crave it is written by Lysa Terkeurst the founder of Proverbs 31 ministries. She is speaking at Grace Community Church at the end of Jan but they are sold out! I asked a friend who works there to see if she can buy me a tape of the night--fingers crossed!
Anyhoo. Her THING is that although we were made to need food for our body we weren't make to DO the things we all do to our body-- we were made for GOD to meet all our needs, and we so often meet those needs through food. At least I do-- hello stress eater!
I have to be honest with my struggles. As she says I need to be gut honest, and kick my excuses to the curb.
I don't need food to comfort myself. R.e.a.l.l.y.
Psalms 42--
As the deer panteth for the
water so my soul longeth after You.
Rarely do I long for God as much as I long for Sesame chicken or Rocky Road ice cream!
Here is a podcast she has out-- till Friday.
Here are the top 2 strategies top 5 choices the health person she has says you can make are to make the most difference:
1. diet and excercise
2. accountability
health choice
1. reduce calories. 100 extra calories a day equals 10 extra pounds a year. DUH.
2. fiber- 25 grams a day. your body will tell you that you are full.
3. eat fish. (they list the best of course- salmon my favorite) at the least take fish oil.
4. polyphenols- super foods blueberries, cacao, green tea
5. excercise- 25-30 minutes a day hard, heart rate pumping.
Here is an online Bible study: Melissataylor.org that sounds really neat... they post assignments, have a few special speakers, small prayer groups and lots of accountability!
The Made to Crave study starts Jan 15 online at Melissataylor.org right now there are 6000 women signed up!
OKAY-- so we are supposed to pick one thing to choose to give up for 6 weeks-- to pick ONE healthy choice and I am going to pick water. I will only drink water for 6 weeks. AKKKKKK. You all KNOW that is a hard one for me! I might still have to drink it in Sonic cups!
I am BTW on day 3 of only water... and I have so far survived. BUT 57 days is a LONG day!

The sonic cup is your sippy cup. :)
Hey, and we got an ozaka cooler. $28 a month. We are drinking water like crazy and it's good and cold. Tastes SO much better than P-town water!
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