We actually started off our week getting up at 7:00, eating breakfast and starting school at 9:00. I know miracles DO happen. Mondays are weird school days because Kaitlin is at choir all morning and then we usually have history in the afternoon, so I am going to use Mondays to simply focus on Matt and Emily.
however this Monday mom picked Kate up and got to Amy's and came right back because of the rain!
So we just ended up doing some regular work-- I am still not prepared completely for school but we accomplished stuff!
We read two chapters of Little Woman- did vocabulary, worked on our character traits and did comprehension questions.
All three kids did math.
We read chapter four in our history text book...All American History book 2
Matt and Emily read history books before Kate got home-
Emily is loving the American Girl Kirsten series!
We made out our chore charts for the month... yes, I know it is the 9th. Anyhoo!
Now on normal Mondays-at least the first 3 of the month it will be different and the last I will be gone all day
Emily will be doing out loud reading, lap books and starting a project that she can work on mostly independently for the rest of the week.
Matt will be given history reading to do, along with a fiction read and vocabulary. He will also be working on a bible study with me that we will do partly together on Monday and he will do alone the rest of the week.
I am going to see how this works for me.
As long as we get up and going on time... this shouldn't be a problem. (I know insert. laugh. here.)
We had a break and the kids played.. then the cable guy came-- lucky he could get through THIS mess....
and by that time I was done and it was almost four so I let them go! DAY OVER-- but not bad for a first day back!
Whoo hoo... day two up at 7:00.
We. are. on. a. roll.
We got chores done.
Math done.
History reading done.
We worked on science-- got caught up on reading and did our review cards for the past chapters. The kids are remembering pretty well so I am happy-- especially for such a long break!
We read Little Women.
we worked on the house.
We got up late and actually left for the day to do stuff so no school except for a chapter of Little Women...I hadn't been in a store since two days before Christmas! wow! So I had some returns and just errands. Kaitlin had a choir lesson which is all the way the other side of the Woodlands-- really the New Cainey exit! We were there for over an hour.
We did some more errands and got to church right in time to eat and fellowship.
Emily and Matt are starting a new kids musical called The Bible Tells Me SHOW. IT is like a game show of Bible trivia-- it is very cute!
We had a busy Thursday. We started in the school room with such GOOD intentions but the "MESS" got the best of me and I started moving stuff. I hauled boxes and moved furniture and got the school ALMOST 100% back to normal-- we need to work on the Lego/ Wii area but plan to this weekend. Also I am getting two more bookshelves for the rest of the book boxes-- I think I still need at least two MORE! :0)
We rushed to get ready and left to get Kaitlin and Matt to our home school group who are doing the Dave Ramsey class Generation Change together. They had a really good time in the class and also just fellowshipping!
We left to go to Becky's but she had a problem with a friend so we ended up going back home and taking Mary Faith back with us- so the girls had fun playing!
We ate dinner and went to Christian skate night... the kids were SO excited to go again! Dave and I got to visit with friends and everyone had a good time.
We got the basics done-- bare basics! I worked on the house and spent about an hour on up coming field trip stuff. We left to go visit with friends at 1:00-- my friend Margaret and I are planning a Father/ Daughter Valentines Dance as a fundraiser for Valentines Day.
After our meeting we went out to her friends barn to see all the animals-- my kids were in heaven.
Kaitlin and I left at 6:30 for the long awaited Regions auditions. YES. you read that right 6:30, we had to drive all the way to Tomball. We got there and wow if there isn't another thing in the WORLD that could cure a home school mom from wanting to send her kids on the big yellow bus-- it would be entering a gym with 889 junior high students (and their chaperone's). I say 889 because OUR home schooled students only took the number to 900. JUMP BACK-- I KNOW!
However after the extremely long, long, long day after HOURS and hours and hours of being in the gym with said junior high students we finally got results at 4:00! 6 of our 11 students made regions. Now proportionally I want you to realize that maybe 10 schools were represented and out of the 900 kids they took 270. I think our kids did really good! Kaitlin did not make the cut-- however we didn't think she would we wanted the experience and fun, her director thought it would be a really great thing for her... so we went. Out of the 60 girls that Kaitlin auditioned against she was number 32 and they took numbers 1-20.. Her director was VERY pleased with that and said Kaitlin had DONE great! So she was pleased and proud of herself and is ready to go back next year! I didn't get to take pictures because there were ZERO electronics allowed.
What is that you say.... kids survived for 8 1/2 hours WITHOUT electronics in this day and age. WHY yes, they did. They-- all 900-- played GAMES. Imagine that-- it was quite a sight to behold.

1 comment:
Don't forget we have a bunch of your books too. :)
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