My themes will not be far-fetched. I will tell of homely every-day phenomena and adventures. -- Henry David Thoreau
Friday, January 30, 2009
The Great Backyard Bird Count.....
We are getting all our bird books out to help with identifying and we will chart all the birds that come!
The Wonder Years Blog is also going to particpate in the Great Backyard bird watch and has some great tips! Go check them out.
If you partcipte come back and link up on Feb 28 and let me know your total count! I will have a give away for the person who has the most birds!!!
So please little birdies... come on by!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Princess Day...
Anyway, so Matt was away having fun and we decided to have an all day Princess Day. The girls and I read The Princess and the Kiss and we worked in the guide that goes along with the book. We worked on a scripture verse,
We had read the story of Hansel and Gretel last night so today we started the day by making a Gingerbread House! The girls had so much fun! They were busy for quite a while!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Possibility vs. Reality
Possibilities of a better relationship
Possibilities of a better financial situation
Possibilities of a new baby
Possibilities of a vacation, or new car
Than reality hits!
The possibility of a better relationship is stifled because one spouse is working on the relationship and one isnt (I dont mean you dear hubbie)
The possibility of a better financial situation is ruined because of a loss of income or a job change, higher insurance or doctor bills.
The possibility of a new baby is taken away for health reasons.
The possibility of a vacation or new car is put on hold for LIFE's bills.
This is the same for everyone... I mean it might seem like someone has it all, a better financial situation, a vacation to Disney and a new car, but their relationship is bad. Or someone might have a great relationship but not a baby. Or someone might buy a new car but than lose a good financial situation!
We ALL have trials! We all have reality to live with!
We are currently looking for a new house, well not new just different! We are wanting to rent and of course need "x" amount of square footage to fit our family of 5! We want to be in a certain area of town and have a particular budget. You know the drill. A nice house, that is big enough that you can afford!
Well in steps all of our possibilities!
A house that has square footage vs. location.
Or a house that has price vs. square footage.
Or a house that has a locations vs. price!
IT moves the rent house from possibility to reality. WE cant have it all. WE have to compromise. WE have to accept reality.
I want everyone to get what they need in life... I want people to live blessed lives and be joyful and at peace. But what is it that gives them joy and peace?
A house.
A relationship
A job.
A vacation.
A location.
It is God.
As we drive around looking for our possibilities... we in reality want what God has for us, and that is what Dave and I are striving for. That is what we are praying for. Literally driving through neighborhoods praying that God will show us the house HE has for us!
What in your life is a possibility but what in reality does GOD want for you?
Carrie in Texas
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I have loads of stuff to update! But first I want to say this...
Can you believe that it is January 25? Does it not seem like it was JUST Christmas!
Almost 1/12 of 2009 is already gone! Have you been keeping your resolutions??? Well on January 31 I will have a post with Mr. Linky up to recap all of our resolutions and to give an update on how we are doing.
It is the Accountability Club! So write your post and come post it to Mr. Linky!
Okay update. At the beginning of the week I posted my list. This was awesome. To be honest it was for the most part more than I could actually do BUT, I could have really gotten 90% of it done if I had worked a little harder! For instance, I could have vacuumed my room. I just kept putting if off and than life would happen and than it was already the next day... see what I mean?
So anyhoo... what this list did was make me accountable, because I just knew my bloggy friends would check back to see what I had accomplished or maybe not accomplished? So I WANTED to accomplish things. It was also a constant reminder of what needed to be done. I woke thinking...
"Hmmm, what can I get done on my list today???"
That is a great feeling. For instance on Friday I was supposed to go to lunch with a friend, well I messed that up--sorry again jennifer! But since we were already dressed to go out, we left the house! I took the library books, Kristals present, the clothes to donate and went to the bank and Target!
YEAH! I would just honestly not done all those things if they hadnt been on the list!
So here is the link back to my list post from Monday, go check out what all I got done!
Update on yesterday's post...
I can say- and HUBBIE confirms...
that I did for the most part have more of a meek and quiet spirit when dealing with the kids.
I mean I wasnt perfect, but I did so much better.
I was praying A LOT.
I tried to THINK before I spoke.
I tried to BREATH instead of BLAST!
and I did. I will continue to pray my prayer daily...
(Karly I do not still have the answers but you are welcome for coffee anytime!- I will keep you up to date on my progress)
Hubbie says, "Got Milk..."
Saturday, January 24, 2009
My new prayer...
I now you all do! I am sure none of you have it figured out! If you do, I'll buy you a cup of coffee if you will just TELL ME!
We have tried this and tried that. We are fairly consistent. We dont let the kids "get away" with stuff all the time...
But yet, we do not have obedient kids!
Now I have good kids compared to some, but I am not comparing! I want obedient kids.
But really I do want obedient kids, I do want to trust that my kids will do what I ask or other people ask. I know every parent wants that.
I used to get really irritated when a parent had "given up". Do you know who I am talking about? They couldnt MAKE their kids obey so they just stopped trying! What is that about?
Well I just dont give up very easy! So I keep trying different techniques to attempt to curb my kids disobedience! That is not working.
So I am looking to scripture... now that is not to say that I havent looked to the scripture before but I am going back to some roots. I have a big problem. I dont obey the scripture so how on earth can I expect my kids to! I am told in the scripture to have a
meek and gentle spirit
Well I dont.
I yell. I raise my voice. I am ugly. I blast people.
I dont want to be this way, I have tried so many times NOT to. But I cant seem to help myself! If I as a grown adult cant control my actions why should I expect that of my kids???
So my morning prayer is looking like this..
Dear God,
I pray for peace over my family. I pray for YOUR quiet spirit to lead me in all my actions today. I pray that you will keep my tongue from saying things that you would not have me say. I pray that my actions will show you and that they will allow my children to see YOU through me. I pray that you will bring to my mind the scripture that will help me in each and every situation I come across during the day. I pray that you would give me wisdom in dealing with my kids. I pray that you would send them gentle reminders to choose obedience each and every time. I pray that you help ME to show the same grace that YOU show me every day! I pray that you instill in me a meek and quiet spirit. I pray that as I seek to know You more that I will learn to have self control and to think on good things. I pray that you will be in charge of our household and in all decisions we make.
In Your Precious Name,
Feel free to ask me throughout the day if I am being meek and quiet, and if I am being an example of HIM.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Fitness Friday
I have goals.
My problem is rarely making a goal! My problem is keeping it! I just dont usually manage to accomplish my goals. Now this is not me whining... this is just keeping it real!
goal- drink water
goal- lose weight
goal- eat healthy and sensibly in order to accomplish goal 2 and be healthy
goal- be careful with finances
goal- be careful with time
goal- travel
goal- read good books
Now these are some of my present goals, not all of them just a few!
Let's break it down...
Drink water- supposedly I need to drink an ounce for every pound. That's a lotta water ladies! I wont even tell you how many! But that a lot!!! I probably at the most drink about 10 cups (80 oz) I will work on this! I promise to up today to at least 13 cups!!!
lose weight- well I am losing a teeny, tiny, itty, bitty bit! But I am also NOT gaining so there you have it! I will watch my portions and my choices. I know the drill!
Eat healthy- I am cooking at home mostly which helps that some, I an incorporating some more veggies into the kids meals and trying really hard at this. It is a process!
Be careful with the money- we are totally meeting this one. Not perfectly but we are doing really well! We are paying off debt right now! FUN! Also we are saving for various situation coming up!
Be careful with my time- I am working on this... It is hard when things are already set in stone, but I am working on it and making the changes I can. One of those things is outside activities... we are getting better and I am staying home more!
Travel- this is important and we will do a little bit this year but right now travel money is mostly going toward debt! WE will travel later!!!
Read good books- I have a list of books I want to read this year. I will post it when it is complete. I am going to my first Adult Book Club club on Sunday night, I am very excited. I have never gone to one!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Matt and Daddy at the Airport Museum---Wings and Wheels Show
Last Saturday Dave took Matt to the Airpost for the Wings and Wheels show. My Uncle Joey was supposed to fly his plane in but it was to windy at the airport and he had to turn his plane around. But while they were there the boys checked out some planes! Matt took most of these pictures btw...with my NEW CAMERA! yeah!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Respectfully your, Mr. President...
No matter if you like Bush, started out liking Bush, dont like Bush...none of that matters as of today!
He has done a GREAT service to this country.
George W. Bush and Laura Bush...THANK YOU.
Thank you for putting YOUR entire life on HOLD for 8 years. Thank you for giving up any personal time, any privacy, all you normal activities for the past 8 years. Thank you for placing your self in the care of the Secret Service and in harms way in order to Serve this GREAT NATION.
WE honor you and truly appreciate you for serving.
WE know that any decisions...right or wrong
Were made with your very best intentions in mind and we thank you.
May God bless you and KEEP you as you venture into this new part of your life...
Thank you Mr. President,
Respectfully yours,
And Respectfully Yours, Mr. President...
As we say Goodbye to one President...
We welcome another.
Barack Obama...we welcome you.
I will pray for you each and everyday that God will bring you closer to HIM, that you will seek God's will for this country.
I believe you want the best for this country and I will pray that God leads you in every decision you consider and make.
Thank you Barack and Michelle Obama for the willingness to serve our Nation.
We thank your daughters for any sacrifices that might come up in the next four years.
WE pray for safety for you and your family...
We pray for the selection of people around you...
We pray for your secret service.
We pray for your Vice President, for your cabinet, for the Senators and Congressmen...
We implore you also to SEEK God everyday and to place your decisions before the THRONE or the true President of this country...
We remind you that the Presidency is a position...and appreciate that you have stepped into that position with dignity and poise and grace...
Thank you and Respectfully Yours Mr. President,
Sunday, January 18, 2009
So many things to do, so little time...
I have so many things I want to get done this week!
I am very, very determined to put a bunch of little check marks down my list!
So I am hoping by putting pen to paper-or finger to keyboard will help make me accountable to someone (you know like the entire bloggy community- well at least the part who reads me!)
- laundry 3 loads- totally done!
- clean two dresser drawers Done
- clean out bottom of closet Done
- take clothes to resale or DAV DONE!!!
- reorganize photo folders on computer DONE
- return library books DONE!!!
- vacuum room
- finish Valentines banner only need to tie ends on!
- bake a cake/ or cookies bakes cookies!
- clean out middle shelf of pantry Done + I made a list of items IN the pantry
- organize coupons- trash expired ones done, need to buy larger organizer though
- wash bedding (Matt's and Kate's)
- start matt on 2's times tables DONE, started on 3's times tables!
- decorate kids savings jars
- decorate bulletin for unit study
- take cloths that need fixing or alterations to shop
- return matts pj's
- clean out suburban done!!!
- dust family room and my bedroom Dusted my room
- clean out pan and Tupperware cabinet
- go through fridge for expired condiments
- clean up back porch
- keep updating blog tags started workin on
- take Kristals package to post office DONE!!!
- work on Emily's Time Lapbook
- clean upstairs bathroom
- change Bob's mulch in cage
- paint girls nails DONE
- set up Club Penguin for Kate Done
- explore piknic!
- organize and weed out scrap booking stuff
- hang picture HUNG!
- check DVD's for ones that are too scratched!
- set up dvr for next few weeks Did it for this entire week
- start going through upstairs box at a time!
- clean out school closet
- print out coupons for this week
- go to YMCA
- send emails for BSCH, AHG, misc dates, Chinese New Year, worked on this some
- pick biography to read for this month
- catch up on my Bible reading list!
- plan a lunch date with a friend! DONE, Jennifer see ya tommorow!
- take the kids to the park with scooters
- look into saving accounts for the kids
- take the kids over to Granny's
- download new songs from Itunes
- craft! made stained glass pictures with kids for unit, and made broken glass jello with kids
- play pirate game with Matt and Kate
- go through board games
- clean out inbox Done, wow I had like 19 pages of EMAILS and I am down to 3
- laminate and put up kids chore chart
- clean trash games
- replace air condition filters
- replace batteries in fire alarms
I FULLY understand that I will not get all this done this week, but I do intend to get as much of it done as possible! Monday--- I got quite a bit done today plus I cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner! I did two loads of dishes, went through mail and worked on the budget some and finished planning for BSCH camping trip!
Tuesday---Today I also had American Heritage Girls and we went to the nursing home to deliver out blankets! The kids and I cleaned up the family room and we spent ALL morning watching the Inauguration of our New president!
Wednesday- was at Amy's all day helping her out! Still got lots done at her house!
Thursday- the door installation took a lot of time, but I got a fair amount on my list done, I got some school done, laundry and 3 meals cooked! I also did my menu for the next week and made a grocery list!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My day, the complete run down...
7:00 still laying in bed wishing I was one of those people who can go back to sleep!
7:30 Get up, finally cuz I am not going back to sleep and I might as well get up and do something useful, like CHECK MY EMAIL again, cuz surely something happened between 2:00 am 6:30 when I replied to Margaret's email (wonder why she wasnt sleeping?)
7:45 Get dressed, leave my room!
8:00 talk about starting breakfast but keep sitting down doing nothing chatting with my brother who spent the night last night!
8:30 start breakfast finally, but I burned the biscuits... turn off oven.
8:37 wonder why in the world the second batch of biscuits I am cooking wont get done already!
8:38 Um turned the oven off!
8:50 Finish breakfast- managed to turn out a pretty great fried egg over easy for Allison! Yeah- I usually break the yoke!
9:15 kids rose- make Hubbie get up
9:50 clean up breakfast, check email for like the 10th time today---Hey, important people talk to me!
10:00 send hubby on his way---To BUY MY NEW CAMERA!!!
10:20 get call from hubbie that camera is not on sell at Office Max they dont know what I am talking it's Office Depot I respond sheepishly
11:00 Dave and matt get to Hobby Airport for special plane show, my uncle is going to be flying in into hobby in one of his planes, this is a big deal. Hubby spends 15 dollars to get him and matt into the show.
11:20 get phone call from Uncle that he cant land at Hobby today, the wind is to high, he is turning around. Hmmm. wasted 15 dollars!
12:00 made lunch (grilled cheese)-- all burners and my brain firing properly so they get cooked No problem!
1:30 clean up lunch, finish watching movie with Hubbie!
1:45 make chocolate chips, burn first batch, do okay with second batch, vow to cook no MORE today!
2:00 left to go get receipt for boots that somehow dont fit me even though I TRIED them on in the store!
2:45 left to go return boots, stopped am McDonald's to eat little snack! Drive forever to get to the outlet mall on 290.
3:20 get to outlet mall, wont let me return boots because even though I have the receipt I dont have the credit card they were purchased on originally (awesome MIL bought me them for Christmas!) So they had to be returned with in 6 business days from now and I wasnt going to get back to the outlet mall within that time with MIL so I took the store credit, but was advised to use it now? HMMMM? Decided to use it now, cannot find ANY boots, or shoes or purses! Finally decided on ver cool brown bag that I am going to use as a library bag- it is rocking. WEll it is onsale and I have 16 dollars credit left!
3:45 still nothing in the store that I can buy for 16 dollars, tell next person in line Merry christmas and happy New year you just got 16 dollars!
3:50 left the store in front of a very happy costumer!
4:00 Have to get Very far across town in one hour to meet BRett, Amy and Kirsten to see Hotel for Dogs...
4:20 not very close to destination because Dave took a "shortcut".
4:44 still not close to destination because The Beltway was down to two lanes! called Amy to make other plans.
5:00 after reevaluating situation we decide to meet at closer cinema to see movie at a later time and have dinner.
5:30 Matt feels really bad at dinner, we send him home with Dave (later find out he had temp! poor baby!)
6:00 Having spent more on dinner, more on tickets (cant use discount I have at different cinema) am a little bummed out, I had also previously bought snacks and cokes to take into AMC - WHICH IS ALLOWED at some please call manager of your AMC to ask! So messed up financially wise but letting it go!
7:15 go into movie (btw- pretty stupid, it gets like 2 and 3/4 stars just for being slightly funny)
9:10 get out of movie go meet Matt and Dave at Amy's house to drive home together.
9:45 run into CVS to get my sales since it ends at 10:00!!!! Spent 11.76 on over 25 dollars worth of STUFF I USE!!!
10:30 come home, check my email
11:00 start writing this very long, probably boring to my readers post!
11:27 HIT PUBLISH POST---with Dave snoring loudly in my ear, while waiting up for it to be long enough to give matt a second dose of meds!
What a DAY! What did you do?
Friday, January 16, 2009
A bloggy award for little ol' me...
Fitness Friday...
Number one I did awful this week, I dont really know why but I did AWFUL! So I must do better next week! But enough of that... on to our assignment!
I got Brenda's assignment a few days ago and have thought about it off and on all week long! It was a hard one to be honest! I know that Brenda is attempting to inspire herself to be more feminine and assumed that her wardrobe change would be to that effect. Now I have worked on being more feminine all year- 2008, not really to the point of wearing skirts, but wearing makeup, dressing up, wearing jewelry basically just not wearing jeans and a polo every single day!
So I will show you me and said polo and jeans and than I will show you dressed up how I like to generally go out and you can vote! Yeah!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A 10 Interesting Things About Yourself Meme...
This is 10 Interesting Things About Yourself Meme...
1. Who is the person you you most want to meet at this time of your life?
3. What has been the most life-changing experience you've ever had?
4. What is the most spontaneous thing you've you ever done?
5. Who's had the biggest influence on your life?
7. What is the best quality about yourself?
8. From which person have you learned most in your life?
9. What historical figure do you most identify with?
10. What kind of music do you like?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Saving the world, one date rape drug at a time..
Anyway I get a call from my niece this morning... she wants to tell me what she has decided to do for her home school science project this year. She is hysterical and I cannot understand her plan besides she needed to use a thermometer...
So my sister gets on the phone to translate!
My niece was "watching" Good Morning America this morning and one
of the segments were on
"If you saw someone slip something in a girls drink would you say something..."
WEll Kirsten evidently paid attention...
She told Amy that she wants to make a 'tester' so that girls can test their own drinks so the boys cant make them sleep in their bed!
So my niece wants to invent the first ever over the counter date rape drug tester!
She will eventually save humanity!
Monday, January 12, 2009
It shall have to be replaced...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Good, Better or the Best.....
Friday, January 9, 2009
Fitness Friday...
Okay it is Fitness Friday! Brenda over at the Family Revised has given us our assignment! It is what makes us feel good. Well I really, really had to think about this! Not because I didnt have an answer right off the top of my head. I just felt like it was the wrong answer!
The right answer:
fruits and vegetables
The answer I thought of was:
Now I understand that is serious and part of the reason that I am as overweight as I am! I know that but it doesnt change the fact. I mean lets keep it real, does carrots and cabbage next to a whole wheat roll beside a glass of water make you feel good or does a slice of steaming hot pizza and an ice cold rootbeer make you feel good?
So I am all aware of the fact that a reason I am overweight is cuz I really like food. BUT...
what has been making me feel really good lately is not a food choice or drink choice. It is not eggs for breakfast or nuts and cheese for a snack but it is also not the mongolian beef and eggroll I had for dinner!
It is that I made a good choice. It is not THE is that I made a good choice.
Good choices made me feel GOOD.
So on to my new plan to help me make good choices! I have adjusted my "diet" plan. I have come up with a new one. The only rule involves a choice.
It is called EAT THIS OR EAT THAT....
Have you seen that book, they show you a page with that and than show you this and it is the same calories, fat etc but it is TONS more food. Now remember what is making me feel good lately is making a good choice so I am playing my own version of this or that. And IT is working for me! Yesterday morning I could have had waffles or eggs and waffles. Well I had half a waffle (yummy) and a whole egg!
Or for lunch I could have a hamburger and french fries and dietcoke or I could stay home and have a grilled turkey and cheese sandwich on sourdough.
Now I know that my choices are actually the best diet choice but it is the better of the two options given to me. It means I am making better choices. That is progress baby!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Um... can creativity please come out to play...
Well I am lettin' all kinds to "me" out to play. I have devised a plan! I shoved all my school books in their OWN little box!- minus math which they will do daily and possible phonics (still wiggle room on that)
We are officially starting our fairy tale/ princess/ knight unit study. The kids voted and this one won hands down!
I am putting it together today and will tweak it I am sure in the next few days but I feel really good and the kids seem really excited!
We begin today by starting the book The Castle in the Attic by Elizabeth Wintrop.
spelling words
Also as my big thing I am starting the curriculum for the Princess Kiss and the Squire and the Scroll. I have the books, color book for each child and the lesson plans for each book. I am very, very excited about this. I have had it for quite a while but I just kept not doing in because of my BOX!
So thank you Jennifer- for inspiring me and reminding me to be creative and myself!
So if you see any Damsels in distress over reading or Knights who need to know how to spell chivalry... send them to my castle!