Friday, January 16, 2009

A bloggy award for little ol' me...

I was pleased and surprised to recieve a comment from a fellow Fitness Friday lady who not only left me with kind words, but with a blog award also!!! Laura lee fror Wasted Textbooks, thank you so much! Now this is an award meant to be shared with others so I will choose five of the dearest blogs I read to recieve this award!

The Other Carrie Thompson @ Thoughts, Ponderings and Musings

And last but not least a new read...

Pass it on ladies!


Carrie said...

WOW! THANK YOU! I have never received a blog award before!!!!
What is the protocol for this? Do I post it on my page somewhere (the cute pic?) permanently? Or do I just post with my own award winners? I am completely new to the award thingee!
THANKS so much!

Bree said...


I am so excited! I have never received a blog award before!!!! Thank you so much!! You made my day!!

Sorry, for all the exclamation points - I am a little excited.

love ya!

Julie said...

Thanks for the award and for the compliment on my blog!

Jennifer said...

Awwwww, thank you!!!!! I love that. I have the same questions Carrie does, what are the rules for it?

Lara Neves said...

Thank you so much! That made my day to hear you say (well, I didn't actually hear you say it, I read you say it) that I am one of your favorite reads! THANKS!