I have seen this a lot on blogs but have never participated before but since I am talking about my need for accountability..I need it in this area too! I need to remind myself of the blessings that I have. Too often lately I am focusing on the dont's, cant's, wont's and even the have to's
SO I am choosing to be purposeful in saying THANKS.
1. for my family.
2. for the closeness of my husband's job.
3. for lots of windows in my house.
4. that my children are growing and each day becomes a day where they learn something new.
5. for turkey and apple sausage, that it is nitrate free and that my son loves it.
6. for little cute plastic puppy plates, that my 7 year old said was too old for yesterday, but today asked for happily.
7. freshly laundered sheets.
8. not being allergic to gluten
9. a science curriculum that sings God's praises on every page.
10. a husband who KIND OF understands my need to craft.
11. left over chili for husbands lunch- which truly makes him happy.
12. Enough Frito's to go with the leftover chili-- which truly makes husband happier.
13. apples and turkey for lunch, with a side of gold fish.
14. indoor plumbing- when I think about outhouses... wow am I thankful.
15. no car payments. Just need to keep reminding myself of this.
16. pencil sharpeners that work well.
17. a friend who invited me to Beth Moore's bible study.
18. friends who will pray with you
19. art classes, that are close and affordable for Kaitlin
20. vanilla scent on just about anything
21. woman who inspire me on blogs and in real life
22. a husband who usually gets off at 5:30 sharp- it didn't use to be this way.
23. a mom who will help me empty my cabinets to go Gluten free for a trial.
24. stitch- witchery, a product for all the non sewers out there
25. email, really.
26. a large capacity washer machine
27. a quiet street to live on
28. births of babies that happen safely
29. framed pictures of my kids
30. Discovery Green park on a Sunday afternoon
31. marsh mellows in hot chocolate
32. donut holes on Monday mornings while doing errands
33. a gymnastics academy extremely close by... we wont say anything about affordable
34. no headache today
35. a daughter old enough to load the dishwasher and a son old enough to unload it. :)
36. that my husband truly does love me in just polo's and jeans.
37. for vacations
38. for pictures from vacations
39. for experiences from vacations
40. for vacationing and paying for everything in cash, upfront.
41. for Lego's- what would my son have done without them all these years!
42. for very creative children
43. for trash pickup, I mean really what if we had to take it somewhere all the time!
44. for high speed Internet. never look back at dial up
45. for roads that are not icy
46. for scales that don't lie-- I have to hear the truth!
47. for "enough" room in our home
48. for a noisy washer that says, "STUFF IS GETTING DONE"
49. for goldfish- Whole grain ones!
50. for people willing to say the truth, no matter what the cost.
51. my husband... sometimes I struggle but I know that he loves me, anyway.
52. blue birds in the backyard, and my son coming in to share them with me.
53. scrambled eggs and tortillas, with a little bit of cheese.
54. have a camera- I am not always happy with it's preformance but perfect picture or NOT it is my reminder, my memory... forever captured.
55. A Whole Foods being built 5 minutes from my house... sigh!
56. my children.
57. that HIS mercies are New every morning.
58. prayer.
59. a quiet still reminder to pray.
60. a quiet morning at home, school work, breakfast, peace
61. Snapfish, Shutterfly and printed photo books
62. mug of hot coffee.. with creamer. warming my hands while I am on the front porch swinging.
Just responding to your question on my blog - the dry erase boards are working great still. Here is what we've learned:
- clean the board with a wet rag each day.
-if you don't you need some dry erase cleaner and some elbow grease, but it all still comes clean after some scrubbing.
- don't use permanent marker on it...haha. Yep, the 1yo did and we're still working on getting it off.
What a great list!
(I'm kinda jealous that you get a Whole Foods so close by. I drive 2 hours to get to the closest one.)
A well-thought out list. Love it. A Whole Foods next door to you? I may or may not be slightly jealous! ;)
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