We started off with our State Study- we are focusing on Iowa today. We learned that Iowa is the Hawkeye state- named for Hawkeye from the Last of the Mohican's.
Kate and Matt are reading the Great Illustrated Classics book... we weren't quite ready for the other!
We learned that Grant Wood the artist who painted American Gothic was from Iowa and painted what HE knew- which was farmers- in fact he started an entire style of painting called All American. We used our Great American Artist book
to learn more about Grand Wood and the painting. It led us to a website called Brightring.com... which is a great art sight with many free prints! We printed out a photograph of the farmhouse and the kids drew their own people to stand in front of it.
I always thought it was a husband and wife farmer! It was actually a farmer and his daughter and he used his family dentist and his daughter as models!
The kids did math, we baked and they spent part of the afternoon just reading and watching a movie about Jesse James....
We did Bible-- still working on Psalms 23. We listened to praise and worship songs that are PSALMS... the kids like recognizing the scriptures in the songs.
the kids did math and their handwriting
Emily and I played the Time game.
We worked on our state study-- Minnesota.
We learned that clear tape, like Scotch tape was made in Minnesota!
We read the Willow Tree Loon-- about a loon, Minnesota state bird, who got caught in an oil spill and the people that helped take care of them.
We worked on our states and capitols and presidents.
During lunch the kids watched the rest of their Jesse James movie...
Kate is reading Annie Oakley who is from OHIO, one of our Midwestern states.
Matt is up another book on Sacajawea.
Emily is reading Thomas Jefferson.
We did All About Spelling STEP 4
The kids did math, actually they worked on correcting math I had checked. We fixed some issues and moved on!
We watched and Esther Williams film-- it was stupid and had like 8 minutes of synchronized swimming! I thought it would like most of the movie. Any suggestions on one of her shows that has a lot of synchronized swimming?
We did history-- simply finished up our Lewis and Clark and got all our papers in our folder. We also reviewed our history cards up to this time.
We begin talking about the Northwest Expansion Act, the building of The Cumberland Gap and westward expansion....
The kids went through the president cards--- Emily said George Washington was her favorite president but that Woodrow Wilson was her 2nd favorite president. I asked her why he was her second favorite president. She said, I like the name. :0)
We are still working on the 23 Psalms.
We learned about Proverbs and had some really good conversation today! We wrote down a list of the 7 things that God hates. One of them being lying about another person, so we talked about the word slander. Matt said Annie Oakley dealt with slander.... A girl who smoked and drank got arrested and when arrested and asked her name she said she was Annie Oakley... The real Annie Oakley spent years working on clearing her name and reputation! I was so proud of Matt for putting that together!
We listened to our Chopin CD again. On one sonata I said it sounds like he is happy. I asked Emily to use another word to describe how the piano piece sounded--- she said EXCITED. I was excited that she came up with such a great descriptive word for the piece!
Did you know that although Chopin was born in Warsaw Poland he lived most of his life in Paris after the war. He died in Paris but had dirt from Poland poured on top of his grave. But the gross part is that they removed his heart and had it put in an urn to take back to Poland and it is in the Holy Cross church in Warsaw.
We also did math and copy work.
After that we went swimming! Good day--- not an over amount of school work but we had a GOOD learning day and that doesn't always happen!
We started with reviewing our science review cards. We worked on finishing up the Whale chapter. The kids did their crossword puzzle... we did all our note booking activities and the kids watched
OCEAN ODYSSEY a journey of a sperm whale
We also finished Step 5 for Spelling and also Step 6!
We went over our Midwestern states and capitols.
and we did Math and copy work.
NOW we have a four day break!!!! WHOOP WHOOP! No school till next Wednesday!

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